Rail Futures Conference

Freight and rail freight stakeholders including Federal, State and Local Government, industry and farmers met in Melbourne today for the Rail Futures Conference.

The Conference run and operated by the Rail Freight Alliance included speakers such as the Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, the Hon Darren Chester; Shadow Assistant Minister for Infrastructure, Pat Conroy MP; Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC); and State Government bodies across Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.

The Conference brings together all the key stakeholders across government and industry to address the big issues facing the rail freight sector going forward.

Rail Freight Alliance Chief Executive Officer, Reid Mather, said that the Rail Futures Conference boasted a long list of top rate speakers including the Federal Minister, Opposition, State Government departments and industry.

“We’re moving into a very critical period for rail freight across the nation,” Mr. Mather said

“In the past few years, we’ve managed to get some big runs on the board but there’s still some challenges ahead.

“Today we heard from a wide range of speakers and asked them to reflect on what they see as the big challenges in the decades to come.

“This can’t be a time for complacency.

“With the completion of the Murray Basin Rail Project and progress on the Brisbane to Melbourne Inland Rail, we need to be looking forward and working on what comes next.

“The Rail Freight Alliance remains committed to seeing an increased mode share of freight on rail. That means better productivity, safer communities and amenity, reduced emissions and ultimately greater prosperity across the nation.

“We asked stakeholders to involve themselves in this conversation and it’s great to see people meet our call.

“It’s positive to see representatives from right across Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria and to have such a depth and talent of speakers present.”

The Rail Freight Alliance is a group of rural, regional and metropolitan Councils advocating for a greater mode share of freight on rail across Australia. The Rail Freight Alliance works with government, industry and stakeholders towards better outcomes for rail and freight and the communities its member Councils represent.


Media Release 20/09/17 – Rail Futures Conference (PDF)