Industry Meeting Drives Agenda Forward 

Rail Freight Alliance today met with VLine and key industry stakeholders from across the freight and logistics supply chain.

Rail Freight Alliance Executive Officer, Reid Mather, said there was good discussion amongst industry about the issues faced across the rail freight network.

“This was an opportunity for VLine to hear direct from industry the real and significant impact its restrictions caused during the harvest season,” Mr. Mather said

“Rail Freight Alliance has been a key player in bringing all the players around the table and advocating for a solution.

“The fact is that the proof is in the pudding and we have yet to see any real action from VLine around these matters.

“We need to see VLine come to the table with some solutions and an action plan going forward. One which starts with a peer review of the service standards (heat restrictions) implemented late last year.

Rail Freight Alliance will convene further meetings with industry and stakeholders to work through key freight and logistic matters going forward.

The situation Victoria now finds itself in represent years of underinvestment by successive governments. This underinvestment is now being borne by producers, the grain industry, rail operators and shippers. Safety is paramount; however the new standards need to be independently reviewed.


Media Contact: Rail Freight Alliance Executive Officer, Reid Mather – 0428 772 264 

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